
Lead Management using CRM Software

Every business, big or small, depends on leads. For businesses to grow, you have to convert leads to loyal customers. And maintaining consistent lead management is a critical component of your sales pipeline.

Lead management is the process of capturing leads, tracking their activities and behavior, and qualifying and engaging them until they are ready to be passed on to quota-carrying sales executives. Lead management is accurate tracking of all customer and prospect data acquired through marketing and sales activities. 

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can be used for efficient lead management. Here we discuss how we can do Lead Management using CRM Software.

Drive More Leads Using Lead Data

CRM software provides a broad picture of your leads. It is prime advantage of CRM that it provides data-driven lead management with stronger sales and marketing productivity which further provides a more streamlined and controlled sales pipeline by leveraging tricky lead data capable of helping you to better convert your leads into your customers.

Qualifying Leads Using Analytics

Providing an analytical view of each lead, CRM software can help to qualify leads based on a scoring technique. Marketing and sales teams can have individual parameters used to score the leads. Those parameters can be visited pricing page, opened email, clicked on the link, downloaded content and so on. Based on the scores, the marketing team will qualify leads and send them to sales.

Boost Marketing Campaigns Using Analytics

In CRM software you use the analytical data to automate the process of managing, tracking, marketing and selling to new and existing customers. CRM lets you create, track and manage marketing campaigns effectively. Whether it's outbound calls, email marketing or social media campaigns, CRM automates the process and provides data-driven results to accurately measure and improve marketing efforts.

Schedule Your Tasks

Using a CRM software, you can keep track of  all the important tasks needed for lead management like follow-ups, making demo calls, updating data after calls and making notes while on the calls. CRM software allows you to manage time and tasks with an automated, structured workflow that will alert you about various tasks on timely basis. You can add calendar links to schedule calls, move leads to demo calls if leads responds, add new data while on the call, get regular alerts on follow-up tasks and more.

Monitor Your Leads 

provides you interactive dashboards with intuitive functions that monitor opportunities, manage calendars and appointments, engage with key social media channels and manage all key accounts, from one place.

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