Control Small Business With Apexdroid

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Everything You Need To Run Your Business

Simplified CRM

Send your quotes easily & with less effort. Track your tasks and close your sales faster.

Easy Invoicing

Send professional invoices to clients and start accepting payments faster. It's simple, fast, and convenient.

Up-To-Date Inventry

Track and manage inventory from knowing stock levels to receving notes to delivery notes.

Automatic Accounting

Get real time update of your case flow manage your transactions and categorized them instantly.

Purchase Order

Create customize purchase order which you can identified your top vendors and most frequently purchased product.

Sales Forcasting

Provide real time visibility of your entire team's forcast and easily predict achievable sales revenue.

Manage Role & Access Rights

You can easily assign & manage roles and access rights of element to employees by inviting them over their Email.

Social Media Engage

Easy engage your business from social media for increases loyality and generates word of mouth.

Track Expenses

Apexdroid Expense is very flexible which lets you to record expense when your company spends money.

Drag & Drop Form Builder

Create forms by dragging and dropping the form blocks in editor and Embed forms on your websites.

Report & Performance Analysis

To understand and analysis the performance provide smart finacial reports and budgets.

Why Apexdroid Is Effective Tool

Take your business on the track

Create a quote, Convert it into an invoice and send it to your client in just a few clicks. Apexdroid allows you to run your business wherever you maybe. No need to compromise on performance.

Keep up-to-date every day of cash flow and profit

Apexdroid keep up-to-date and profit information everytime. Apexdroid automatically calculates all sales tax for every period so you can know that how much money you paid.

Stay in control every day and always up-to-date your stock level

You can control what's going on with your products at all times,even by multi-location.

Work across all devices

You can access Apexdroid on laptops, tablets and on mobile devices access Apexdroid from wherever you go. It's allow you to run your business easily. And also keeps you updated by notifying you.