
Data-driven Decision making using ERP Software

Today the ERP software goes beyond the basic requirements of that recording system and extending its footprints beyond the boundaries of this enterprise application making control over your business simple. We here see how ERP software eases the way for decision making in the organisation.

Data is the blood of the digital economy in various ways. Information is generated by experience and research that provides the foundation for product innovation and development. The account archive and transaction history leading to quicker and more satisfactory answers to customer queries, processing of orders and technical assistance. And the numbers that document whether sales drives, marketing campaigns and company accounts have been successful. 

One of the most critical uses of information in a business's life lies in its ability to provide an in-depth understanding or insight necessary when taking decisions–whether it is in response to changing market conditions, issues of a strategic or operational nature, or when planning a company's growth.

The modern business environment is such that many of the critical business decisions of today need to be made in real time–or as close as possible to it. This requires companies to have instant access to all the information necessary for efficient decisions and tools and technologies to implement them. That is why Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has the capability to facilitate decision-making and enforcement. 

Here see a few points on how ERP software facilitates Data-driven decision making:

Data Collection in a Single Place 

Indeed, it has science. Data-driven decision management is defined as "a business management approach that values decisions that can be backed up with verifiable data." The quality of that data and the effectiveness with which it is analyzed and interpreted are factors that govern the success of this approach. Other factors are accumulating this data and making it readily accessible. This has historically been an enormous problem as many companies send business-critical information to departmental "silos" –each department (sales, marketing, finance, R&D, etc.) stores the data necessary to operate in-house, uses its own software and methodologies to work with that information, and (crítically) reluctant to share it with the others in the organisation. Enterprise Resource Planning software solutions have centralisation of data at the core of their operation. Systems are based on a central data repository with data from enterprise's all streams and branches. There is no need for accounting or marketing professionals to become data scientists to gain access, as all database entries are in a common format. Accessing a shared pool of data covering all aspects of an enterprise enables users to gain a number of perspectives on what is actually happening (from detailed views to the broad picture)—and the potential to create logical relationships which give rise to valuable insights. 

Allow Smart Information Access 

Without guidance, access to many different sources of information from a variety of sources can be so confusing and counterproductive as that they have nothing at all. It is therefore important to establish access privileges and mechanisms to clearly define the conditions under which users from various departments have access to information most necessary for their work. This approach requires a comprehensive enterprise data policy and providing the necessary tools for workers to extract that data whenever they need it. Management and administrators can use a well-designed ERP solution to set security levels and job-specific access while the system enables permitted users to access critical information without wasting time and energy seeking IT approvals.

Accessibility of Data Analytics 

The data-driven decision-making process is based on interpretation and insight, which is made possible by a quick and efficient analysis of information. Data analytics have evolved into a complex science. However, today's ERP software includes powerful tools to analyze business intelligence (BI) and transactional data without squandering people's minds. The process of data analysis for business users is much simplified by personalized and user-friendly dashboards. And all departments within a company have these tools readily available with a common software platform. 

Making Result Sharing Possible

The comparison of data sets and the logical connection or deduction of facts must then translate into choices or decisions based on such connections, which in turn result in any actions which must be taken. Managers and decision makers for the majority of companies are not data analysts, so they should be informed in a form they understand about the results of the information analysis. Usually, this means text-based documents, graphs, diagrams and infographics and an effective ERP solution includes the reporting tools needed in its analytical modules for producing such output. 

Employees Empowerment to Act on their Intelligence 

The results of transactional data and Business Intelligence analysis cannot be restricted to high-profile executives in an optimized environment in which data-driven decisionmaking is the rule. Workers in tough situations must be empowered to act on ad hoc and the real-time basis on incoming data and to changing conditions–and their initiative and their right to do so must be written in their conditions of service. Once again, the  ERP software gives companies the ability to do so by setting rules and policy roles for employees in each business section. 

Learning And Adapting From Experience And Knowledge

Sometimes even the best-informed decisions can be incorrect or lead to unforeseen situations. However, mistakes and past experiences are learning opportunities and adaptive systems such as those included in the best ERP software can use your accumulated knowledge archives and past results to create better responses and insights for future situations. Research conducted by MIT's Digital Business Center has shown that organizations using decision-making methodologies have 6% higher income and 4% higher rates of productivity than companies that are not. Clearly, ERP software's data-driven decision-making approach is healthy for an Enterprise's growth.

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